Voice of the Poor CommitteeImmigration Policy and Reform The Voice of the Poor Committee bases its work on teachings of the Catholic Church and writings of the US Catholic Bishops. Links to representative writings are below.
The Voice of the Poor Committee encourages support for passage of comprehensive Federal immigration reform legislation by the U.S. House of Representatives. The U.S. Senate has already passed such legislation.
The Bishops' Website on Immigration Reform suggests the following text for a message to the U.S. House Representatives, but feel free to put the message in your own words. This website also offers other valuable resources about immigration reform in the context of Catholic Social Teaching.
I look forward to monitoring your public position on this vital issue to our nation. Our nation can no longer wait. Contact the Attleboro District Voice of the Poor Committee You are invited to email the Committee regarding your Social Justice concerns, and let us know if you'd like to be included on our informational email distribution list. Write us at the Social Justice Committee email address: VOP@SVdPAttleboro.org |