Voice of the Poor CommitteeMission Statement The mission of the Voice of the Poor Committee of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Attleboro (Massachusetts) District Council is threefold:
In the spirit of the Catholic tradition, the Committee seeks to promote the dignity of the human person, the common good, community, economic justice, and the stewardship of God’s creation. And in the spirit of the Society of SVDP, the Committee seeks to be the “Voice of the Poor” to give voice to the voiceless. Belief Statement The Voice of the Poor Committee for Social Justice of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Attleboro District Council believes that Social Justice is the work of every person; moreover, the Committee believes that persons baptized in the Christian tradition have a special obligation to foster Social Justice. By Social Justice we mean changing policies, structures, and institutions so they work on behalf of the common good. Operating Principles The Voice of the Poor Committee for Social Justice of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Attleboro District Council:
Contact the Attleboro District Voice of the Poor Committee You are invited to email the Committee regarding your Social Justice concerns, and let us know if you'd like to be included on our informational email distribution list. Write us at the Social Justice Committee email address: VOP@SVdPAttleboro.org |